Wednesday, 17 September 2008

To the Easily Offended... Please Avert Your Eyes...

Somewhere in the bush behind our house, there is a garden. Or so I've heard - it's been quite some time since I saw the evidence.

I commented to Mark that soon it would be time to get out the shears and trim things back:

Me: I really hate that part of gardening. I get scared of the garden spiders waiting to ambush me, and I always emerge covered in lethal scratches, even when there's no thorn in sight. Bushes have it in for me.

Mark: That's ok - I'll do it! I like trimming bush!

Me: !


Anonymous said...

haha :)

perdido said...

Too funny!

In re the comment on my blog about merrill lynch dude - I know this is really mean but I hope so (i.e. unemployed) actually, not really, but a little bit LOL I'd just like him brought down a few pegs!

Medea said...

I don't think anyone could blame you cassee01 - I've seen the way men like that can treat women, and I think *plenty* of them could do with being taken down a peg or two!